Saturday, March 09, 2002
Another view of the Be Goods in Birmingham...
...and the Irish Times on Pete Yorn in Dublin. The man was back in London Thurs just a few weeks after his low-key debut at the WaterRats. This time 400+ at The Garage were treated to his economically rocking set. Much as he tries to lay on the gruff moodiness such efforts are constantly undermined by the plain damn catchiness of his material. Whereas at the Rats songs were virtually note-for-note as per the album, this time round quite a few were fruitfully extended. And maybe he'd been reading his earlier UK reviews as he was distinctly more animated, throwing a few rock shapes for the girls and boys. The feeling that the guy needs a break hovered, however. Do a few days growth and an instruction to kill the stage spotlights suggest a certain weariness? Who knows, but its a fact that he's been touring the legs off musicforthemorningafter for a year in the States (sales: 354,000) and is only now starting on other 'territories'. The album finally hits UK stores on April 1, and he's profiled in the April ed. of Arena magazine (p.97 for you newsagent browsers)...
The saga of the third album from the rather magnificent Wheat continues. No sooner had they signed to Nude Records than the UK label folded. Per second, per second, per second, every second remains firmly in the can and the band rather resignedly report that they're currently back at Tarbox Studios with every possibility that they'll complete another whole album before 'Per Second' sees the light of day!
posted by SMc at 11:11 AM